Do NOT enter if you are unavailable on Finals Weekend. i.e. 6/7 April 2024
The closing date for entries is 31st October 2023
For Pairs and Triples only the team leader should enter for the team.
Competition Eligibility
All entrants must be full members of HIBC
Men’s competitions: All male
Ladies’ competitions: All female
Mixed pairs : One man, one lady.
Veterans : Must be aged 70 or over on 31st October 2023 .
Open Competitions: All male, all female or mixed.
Drawn competitions: Pairs will be drawn so that wherever possible newer bowlers will be partnered with more experienced bowlers.
This is to encourage new bowlers to enter competitions.
Competition Sec. Joyce Archibald Tel:01582 727000
Competition Entry Form
Competition Entry Form - 2023/2024 Season
Competition Rules
General Rules:
Challenger (name above line)
• offers 3 dates to the opponent,
• books a rink,
• for singles matches finds the marker.
No dead ends – re-spot the jack, except for Championship matches
No trial ends before Finals
Players may visit the head in all games
Championships: (Men’s, Ladies’),
4 woods, winner is first to 21
Dead ends are re-played
Singles: (Veteran’s, Men’s non-winners, Ladies’ non-winners,)
4 woods, winner is first to 21or 2 hours (whichever happens first).
No dead ends – re-spot the jack
Fixed Jack: (Men’s, Ladies’)
4 woods, winner is first to 101or 2 hours (whichever happens first).
If the jack is moved during play it should be replaced on its spot, or as close to it as possible.
If there is a bowl covering the spot when marking, that bowl counts 4, then place the jack back on its spot before marking the other bowls.
Pairs: (Men’s, Ladies’, Mixed)
4 woods, play 14 ends or 2 hours (whichever happens first).
If the match is tied, the winners are the pair who have won most ends;
if this is equal an extra end is played.
No dead ends – re-spot the jack
2-wood Pairs: (Drawn)
2 woods, play 18 ends or 2 hours (whichever happens first).
If the match is tied, the winners are the pair who have won most ends;
if this is equal an extra end is played.
No dead ends – re-spot the jack
Aussie Pairs:
4 woods, 2 sets of 7 ends each
If the match is tied, play up to 3 more ends, winners are first to win 2 ends.
No dead ends – re-spot the jack
1st players play 2 woods, 2nd players play 4 woods then 1st players play their other 2 woods.
This means players take turns to be lead and skip.
3-wood singles:
Play 2 sets of 9 ends each.
If the match is tied, play up to 3 more ends, winner is first to win 2 ends.
No dead ends – re-spot the jack
3 woods, play 12 ends or 2 hours (whichever happens first).
If the match is tied, the winners are the team who have won most ends;
if this is equal an extra end is played.
No dead ends – re-spot the jack
Enjoy and good luck.
Competition Sec. Joyce Archibald Tel:01582 727000 eml:;